Friday, September 26, 2008

Japanese Cotton Cheesecakes

This cake is one of my favourites. So fluffy and airy, light yet compact, you dont feel guilty eating it. And its cheese. cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese.

Monday, September 22, 2008

4d scan

Heres a really detailed look at Bryan's face in motion. He was very very coorperative this morning during the 4D scan (apparently the 3d scan option gives you only pictures, and 4d includes this video). We finally got to see his face as a combination of both ade and myself.

And heres a priceless reaction from Nicholas Ooi:

Nicholas says:
Nicholas says:
tt is way cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nicholas says:
Nicholas says:
he was smiling man!!!!!!!
Nicholas says:
Nicholas says:
dude!! get this on wallpaper man!!
Nicholas says:
i paused at 15sec!!
Nicholas says:
Nicholas says:
is so cute!!
luther says:
Nicholas says:
Nicholas says:
he's gonna be a funny dude like u man!!
luther says:
Nicholas says:
Nicholas says:
Nicholas says:
Nicholas says:
Nicholas says:
Nicholas says:
seriously man!!
Nicholas says:
the smile...
Nicholas says:
mega billion dollars!!
luther says:
Nicholas says:
Nicholas says:
he is like...'i know u can see me, so here my smile to u!"
Nicholas says:
tts wat i think he is smiling about!
Nicholas says:
he's a cheeky dude man!!
Nicholas says:
and a KISS!!! at 16-17 i think!!
Nicholas says: baby is a smooth joyful flirt man!
Nicholas says:
even kissing n all!
Nicholas says:
your lil dude is smoooth with an extra o!
Nicholas says:
he did give a peck!!
Nicholas says:

German Black Forest

This cake came like a welcome to Bryan's face, if you see the above post. Its almost like a celebratory cake for Happy-Check-Out-Our-Kiddo's-face day.

The German Black Forest Cake brings Ade's baking pursuits to a new level. Now the cake is starting to look like its professionally made, with a taste to match. Incredible. Yesterday Ade said something real touching, she said "I want to make a cake which looks and tastes good enough to be Bryan's birthday cake next time. You know kids, they don't just want things to taste good, they must look good too." Next she was scraping the chocolate shavings with one of those shaving scrape tool things, perspiring heavily at the same time. Believe me, doing this cake was a tedious process, considering that she wasn't in a state to even sit or lie down for a long period of time, since Bryan is growing bigger in her tummy and she is feeling increasingly quesy as the pregnancy progresses.

Yes, it definitely will be a lovely birthday cake, done not just with skill but injected with lots of love. I am so proud of you dear.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Almond Chocolate Shiok

This is one cake i missed the day it was baked, because i only had a slice, and the rest was given to colleagues and neighbours. By the end of it, i was so deprived of it, i think Ade has to do another cake tomorrow. Else i'd be suffering from chocolate withdrawal symptoms. This cake was so rich in chocolate, it tasted like one of those dessert cakes from NYDC, chilled from the fridge, nothing better to satisfy your chocolate craving with.

30 week tummy pic update

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Mandarin Pudding

Wow. One more sweet addition from our baking aficionado. Slurp slurp slurp slurp slurp.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Baked Walnut Mooncakes

Filled with richly delicious lotus paste, this piece of pastry is enveloped by a crust which crumbles under the sinking of your teeth. The fragile buttery exterior is well balanced against the complementary crunchiness of its embedded walnuts. You may call it a Moon cake, or perhaps Cosmic Asteroid Crumble, but whatever it is, it brings to life the season. Chang Er would be so proud.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Nursery update

Tummy at 28 wks

Bryan has reportedly flipped to an upside down position, no longer in an east west facing. Its a north south now. Because mummy said this "everytime i lie on my side, Bryan would kick on my tummy, when i turn to the other side, he would kick. But now when that happens, i ignore him. hahahahahahahahah, thats why he shifted to a vertical position"

Smart dude.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Our pastry corner

Heres a round up, of what we call, pregnancy inspired baking, entirely whipped up in one month.
Nope this ain't a baking blog, nor a purely pregnancy blog. Its what we call, a blog about creation.

Banana Chocolate

Heaven sent.

Sometimes beautiful things come all at once, unbelievable but so true it seems. God blessed us with a child, and also blessed my wife with the skill to turn simple basic ingredients into sublime layers of divine taste.

Presenting to you........... the Banana Chocolate cake.

Taste it, so good, you might never want to take bananas without chocolate ever again.

Our Little Cheeky Monkey :)